Tar & Feathered debuts with ASC

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  • A new event concept will premiere in New York City on March 24.
  • Tar & Feathered debuts with ASC image
  • ASC and Taimur will headline the first edition of New York City's Tar & Feathered party at National Underground on March 24. The new monthly, run by Point Break (Arthur Kimskii), Cory James, and Gio Gulez aims to bring artists to New York who wouldn't normally fit into the city's club scene. The party will pair two different headliners from different backgrounds or scenes, in the hopes of finding an unforeseen middle ground between two different audiences. The first party is a good example, putting San Diego's ASC—known for his drum & bass and ambient work—with Taimur, a local DJ with a darker sound (not to mention one of the main forces behind Blk|Market Membership). There will be an emphasis on names that are less established or aren't necessarily known for their DJing: the second instalment will feature Munich's Virginia, known for her vocal performances on tracks by Steffi, Butch, and more. The party will also seek out new event spaces in the city, with the April 14 party at a TBA location.