Berlin Community Radio announces Incubator producer initiative

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  • A team of judges will select four up-and-coming producers from underrepresented backgrounds for a month-long residency.
  • Berlin Community Radio announces Incubator producer initiative image
  • Berlin Community Radio has announced a new producer competition. Incubator will have a "special focus on underrepresented and marginalised creative voices," and provide four up-and-coming producers with a month-long residency on Berlin Community Radio (BCR). The winners will also receive, among other things, a press photoshoot, Ableton Live 9, access to the Handwerk Audio Studio and mastering for an official release and remix. They will also score a gig at one of BCR's Club Of The Month parties. To be eligible, entrants must be Berlin-based and have completed at least one track. The "underrepresented and marginalised creative voices" BCR is seeking out include women and women-identifying artists, queer and trans artists, and artists from an immigrant background. You can apply here until April 25th.