fabric in advanced talks to reopen

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  • The iconic London nightclub may continue to operate under a new set of licensing conditions.
  • fabric in advanced talks to reopen image
  • London's fabric nightclub is in talks with Islington council and Metropolitan police to reopen. The club was planning to appeal the decision, made on September 6th, by Islington council's licensing sub-committee to revoke fabric's license following the deaths of two 18-year-old clubbers. According to the Islington Tribune, that appeal, which was scheduled to begin at Highbury Magistrates Court on November 28th, may not go ahead, with the club and police speaking behind closed doors to reach an out-of-court agreement. Islington council's decision to close fabric had been met with opposition from London mayor Sadiq Khan, Islington MP Emily Thornberry, and many thousands of others—from the 160,000 who signed a petition calling for the club to reopen, to the people who contributed more than £320,000 to the #saveculture fundraising campaign. More details as we have them.