Seven Davis Jr in Sydney

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  • Seven Davis Jr was until recently an untapped resource—it wasn't till 2013 that he began to gain recognition for his soulful and abstract beats. Red Bull Music Academy thrive on promoting artists like him, and the signature RBMA setting of Goodgod Small Club was a perfectly intimate setting for Davis Jr's Australian debut—underground, but still popular enough to draw a crowd. Goodgod is decorated in the style of a '50's Cuban nightclub, covered with fake ferns and tropical neon signs. The dark and smoky Danceteria that hosted Davis Jr's performance perfectly suited his obscure beats and Gospel-inspired vocals. You could absorb the music in soft darkness without being overly aware of your surroundings. Davis Jr attracted a large turnout for a midweek show, and the audience showed their dedication by dancing vigorously for his entire set, wolf whistling and reaching out to touch him as he played. Davis Jr played popular tracks such as "One" and "All Kinds," shifting rapidly between tempos and rhythms. The performance felt like an intimate jam session between friends, complemented by Davis Jr's uplifting vocals and the venue's soft-coloured lights. During the encore his laptop died mid-track, which could have been awkwardly mood-killing if Davis Jr hadn't laughed it off. One of his friends remarked offstage that he's "one of the most genuine and grateful artists you'll meet." His performance was experimental and light-hearted, perfectly encapsulating how intimate a debut performance can be.