Gent1e $oul - Sober Ears

  • Delicate downtempo(ish) club music on promising label Fast Castle.
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  • Gent1e $oul is Berlin-based producer Lucas Gloe's display name when he plays Age Of Empires II. During lockdowns, Gloe and his friend Cubemod spent hours on the real-time strategy game in between bouts of music production, which finally led to the rise of Fast Castle, their new(ish) record label. I could've praised any one of the tracks on Gent1e $oul’s debut EP Silk Armor, but the downtempo (and ever so slightly dancehall-inspired) track "Sober Ears" stands out for its modesty. If I were to shoehorn an Age Of Empires reference in there, I’d liken "Sober Ears" to the game's target="_blank">iconic villagers—essential for building your settlements, but not for fighting your battles. The track's perky mallet hits and faint pitter-patter are like the steady toil of those workers, and the muted basslines that underscore it all add a touch of urgency. These delicate contrasts surface throughout the track, proving that patience and intricacy can trump aggression.